The C Major Scale
The C Major Scale is one of the easiest scales to play! Just simply play the white keys from one C note up to the next C note to the right. This is the scale we all know as "Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do."

What Is A Major Scale?
The major scale is a formula of half steps and whole steps.
So first, what are half steps and whole steps?
A half step is the distance from any one key (or note), to the very next key (or note), be it black or white. A whole step is simply two half steps.
Looking at the chart above, notice that there is no black key between "E" and "F." That means it is a half step from "E" to "F." Notice there is no black key between "B" and "C," making the distance between these two notes also a half step.
All of the other notes in the C Major scale have a black key between them and their next note neighbor, making the distance between them a whole step.
Looking at the chart above, notice the black key between "C" and "D", making a whole step. There is another whole step from "D" to "E," then a half step from "E" to "F," whole from "F" to "G," a whole from "G" to "A," a whole from "A" to "B," and finally a half from "B" to "C."
So, to make the C Major Scale, start with the note "C" and go whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, whole step, half step.
Whole, Whole, Half, Whole, Whole, Whole, Half.
Try using this formula to find the major scale of other notes, black or white.
Dig A Little Deeper...More About the Piano Notes and Staff
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