Piano Chords Chart -
What is a Chord?
Below you will find a link to the free piano chord chart, but first, don't you want to know what a chord is?
Quite simply a chord is three or more notes played together. The notes can be played all at the same time, as a "block" chord, or consecutively as in an "arpeggio."
Here we will discuss the basic chords, which have three notes and are called "triads." The note for which the triad is named is called the "root" or the "one" of the chord. For example the root of a "C" chord is "C." The next note is called the "third," because it is an interval of a third from the root. In a "C" chord, "E" is the third. The other note in a triad is the "fifth," named so because it is an interval of a fifth from the root. In a "C" chord, "G" is the fifth.
The "C" Chord

Notice that the "C" chord on the staff in root position is written on three consecutive lines. Also, a chord in root position starting on a space note will use three consecutive spaces. This is helpful in that it makes it easy to see root position triads in written music.
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